If you have started learning JavaScript and even if you are in the early stages you must have come across var
, const
, and let
variable declaration.
The const
and let
were introduced in ES6 but before that only var
was the only way of variable declaration. Each one of them has its properties, scopes, and uses.
Let us understand each one of them, the main differences between these ways of declaring variables
var :
Variable declared with var
are mutable i.e. they can be reassigned or even declare first and initialize in another step
var num //num declared -- > value of num is undefined
num = 1 //num initialize/assigned-- > value of num is 1
num = 3 //num reassigned -- > value of num is 3
is Global scoped and functional scoped.
A variable has global scope when it is declared outside the function and that variable is accessible anywhere in the code
var firstName = "Sarvesh"
var lastName = "Kadam"
function greet(){
console.log(firstName+" "+lastName)
greet() //*Output*: Sarvesh Kadam
Now the functional scoped says that if a variable is declared with the var
keyword inside a function, it cannot be accessed outside it
function hello(){
var firstName = 'Sarvesh'
console.log(firstName) //Will throw an error as firstName is not defined
We cannot access the firstName
variable outside the function lexical scope.
const and let:
and let
are blocked scoped(we will this understand in a second). But first, let's look at the difference between them.
is mutable (as seen in var
) whereas const
is immutable.
As we can see in the below example, we can declare the variable at one instance and assigned a value to the "item" variable later or even reassign a new value to it.
let item //declaration
item = "food" //item is assigned a value -- > value of item is food
item = "clothes" //item variable declared -- > value of num is clothes
Let's look at const
const item ; //the value must be assigned while declaring
item = "food" //error
const item2 = "pen"
item2 = "eraser" //error : value cannot be reassigned to constant variable
So in const
, we need to declare and initialize the variable at one instance only and we cannot reassign/change the value.
Now both const
and let
are blocked scope i.e. we cannot access the variables outside parenthesis{} whether the block is a function or conditional statement
let number1 = 2
const number2 = 4
console.log(number1) //will throw an error as number1 is not defined
console.log(number2) //will throw an error as number2 is not defined
As the variables "number1" and "number2" are declared inside the if statement block we cannot access them, whereas in the case of var
we can access it as it is function scoped not block scoped.
var number = 5
console.log(number) //Output = 5
Now let us discuss a scenario where an object is declared with const
const player = {
name : "Eden Hazard",
team : "Read Madrid",
position : "forward"
player.name = "Karim Benzema" //will re-assign the Value successfully
player = {
name : "Modric",
team : "Read Madrid",
position : "forward"
} //will throw an error
As you can see in the above example we can change the properties of the object variable declared with const
but cannot reassign the entire object.
Some peculiar behavior :
- In
we can declare a single variable multiple times and it will not throw an error. Note: We don't use this property in any circumstances, just wanted to make you aware of it
var name = "sarvesh"
console.log(name) //Output: sarvesh
var name = "rihan"
console.log(name) //Output : rihan
- In
we can use the same name for declaring variables for different blocks and it will not affect the value of the global variables
let a = 5
let a = 8
console.log(a) //Output : 8
console.log(a) //Output : 5
As we have used a similar name "a" to declare and initialize the variable. Inside the block, the value of "a" is 8 and outside the block i.e. on the global object the value is 5.
- In
the variable gets hoisted i.e. (thevar
variable is available even before any function/code is executed).
console.log(name) //Output : undefined
var name = "sarvesh"
console.log(name) //Output : sarvesh
In the above code, the variable "name" is accessible even before its value is declared or initialize.
As the JavaScript is parsed, before executing any function/code, the parser searches for any variable or function declarations and it sets a memory space for them with value as undefined
So here before execution, the variable "name" is stored in the memory space with the value of 'undefined' before any of the log
functions are executed.
This entire phenomenon is called Hoisting .( will explain in detail with another blog)
This scenario will throw an error if we used let
or const
instead of var
, as these variables do not get hoisted.
Conclusion :
is functional scopedconst
are blocked scopedvar
are mutableconst
is immutable
It's a common practice to use let
instead of var
, as the former two are blocked scope and not accessible outside the block, as it makes the code more secured so if anybody changes the value outside the block it will bot affect the functionality of the entire code.
Even in between const
and let
, use const
wherever possible as it makes the code more readable as we understand if the value of the variable will be updated or not further down the code
The above-mentioned points are good enough to get you started with var
, let
, and const
Thank you for your time for reading the article, give a follow on my twitter as I am documenting my learning